Leave a Legacy

Since 2001, CLAM has worked to ensure that permanently affordable homes will always be part of the landscape of West Marin. CLAM’s continued success depends on the support of community members who value this mission.

Including CLAM as a beneficiary in your will or trust is a significant and meaningful way to help CLAM achieve its vision for the communities we serve. Most legacy gifts are easy to arrange and many options exist to meet your needs and objectives.

Here’s a sample Letter of Intent that you can use to let us know you want to join CLAM’s Legacy Circle.

Explore giving options below.

Founding CLAM member Susan Brayton plans to leave her home in Inverness to CLAM as her legacy.

Founding CLAM member Susan Brayton plans to leave her home in Inverness to CLAM as her legacy.

  • Including CLAM as a beneficiary in your will (called a “bequest”) is easy to arrange. The bequest remains in your control. You can structure the bequest to leave a specific item or amount, leave a percentage of your estate to CLAM, or even make the gift contingent on certain criteria. The process does not need to be complicated—at the very simplest, it can be a signed piece of paper naming CLAM as beneficiary of a portion—or all—of your estate.

    You can also name CLAM as a beneficiary of your life insurance. Here is a document containing some language that you may include depending on how you want to structure the bequest. Once your CLAM designation is complete, don’t forget to notify us!

    Here is a document containing some language that you may include depending on how you want to structure the bequest. Once your CLAM designation is complete, don’t forget to notify us!

  • Making a gift of land through your will or trust is an excellent way to create a permanent legacy in West Marin and reduce the value of your estate, possibly resulting in estate tax benefits for your heirs.

    Upon approval by CLAM’s Board of Directors, CLAM gratefully accepts gifts of land and other property. Please contact CLAM’s Executive Director, Jarrod Russell at jarrod@clam-ptreyes.org or 415-209-5127‬ to discuss a proposed gift of property.

  • When you donate a house, the full fair-market value of the dwelling is considered a charitable contribution and may reduce your taxable income. In addition, you eliminate the need to pay property taxes on the structure.

    Sell your home to CLAM at a discounted price. This is also known as “bargain sale,” and may provide a tax benefit on the discount.

    Donate 1 percent of the sale of your property to CLAM’s “1 Percent for Affordable Housing” campaign. If you have sold your home, you can support affordable housing for others by donating a percentage of your profit or sale price to CLAM. Donors who have done this have used 1 percent of the sale price as a guideline.

    Donate your home to CLAM while continuing to live in it. You can establish a Charitable Remainder Trust to keep living in your home while donating it to CLAM.

 Note: CLAM does not offer tax or legal advice. Check with your professional tax advisor to make sure that any charitable giving strategy makes sense for you.

Contact Us

If you have included CLAM in your estate plans or if you would like additional information, please let us know by contacting CLAM’s Executive Director, Jarrod Russell (jarrod@clam-ptreyes.org).