Other Ways to Give
Your old vehicle can benefit CLAM. Go to our link at CarEasy (careasy.org or call 855-500-7433) and choose the Community Land Trust Association of West Marin to receive the proceeds when they take your vehicle. All vehicles are considered! We strive to accept all types of donated vehicles (running or not) including cars, trucks, trailers, boats, RVs, motorcycles, campers, off-road vehicles, planes, heavy equipment, farm machinery, and most other motorized vehicles.
If you are at least 70½ years old, you can receive tax benefits while benefiting CLAM. You can give any amount up to $100,000 per year from your IRA directly to a qualified charity such as CLAM without having to pay income taxes on the distribution from your IRA.
This popular gift option is commonly called the IRA Charitable Rollover or qualified charitable distribution, or QCD for short. The financial institution where you have your IRA can help you make these gifts.
Support CLAM’s work through the donation of an appreciated asset. You can reduce or eliminate capital gains taxes on the appreciated value of securities and mutual funds that have increased in value and have been held for more than one year. These gifts provide important support to CLAM. Speak with your financial advisor about making this kind of gift.
If your stock is held in a brokerage account, your broker can transfer your gift electronically directly through CLAM’s Schwab account. Give them the following information of how to direct the transaction:
Charles Schwab and Co. DTC 0164, Code 40 For the benefit of COMMUNITY LAND TRUST ASSOCIATION OF WEST MARIN (CLAM) Account #5410-4278.
Please alert us in advance about the stock and number of shares you plan to donate by contacting CLAM Development Director Laura J. Giacomini: laura.g@clam-ptreyes.org or (415) 663-1005.
Do you have a Donor Advised Fund (DAF)? Over $234 billion sits in Donor Advised Funds across the country. The goal of #HalfMyDAF is to inspire more giving. When DAF holders commit to spending down at least half Visit HalfMyDAF.comof the money in their DAF, the donations they make become eligible for dollar-for-dollar matches from #HalfMyDAF.
Visit HalfMyDAF.com for more information and to nominate CLAM.
Join the CLAM Key Club and become a monthly donor. By giving smaller amounts each month and spreading your gift out over the year, you can make a larger annual gift to CLAM’s work. Monthly gifts help provide steady, reliable support to meet CLAM’s mission.
Contact Us
If you have included CLAM in your estate plans or if you would like additional information, please contact CLAM Development & Communications Director Laura J. Giacomini at laurag@clam-ptreyes.org or at (415) 663-1005